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How To Create Your First Sold Out Retreat?

Learn Easy, Fast & Proven System AND Sell 90% and Get 4-5 Figures Per Retreat!

This is an unpopular opinion but I'm going to say it:

It is really hard to sell a retreat to a complete stranger and ensure that they have a good experience.

And in my business, I like to start with the things that are EASY instead of the things that are hard. EASY has better results.

​It’s not to say you can’t serve someone who finds you out of the blue. But I don’t want you using that as your only retreat marketing strategy.​

To be honest, MOST people do this. They try to sell their retreat to complete strangers…when they have a network of people who are WAY better suited.​

So, if your BIGGEST question is before launching your first (or next) retreat is this…

Looking for something more unique?

We do that too! Select Custom Guide at checkout and we will curate a guide based on your interests and preferences

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What Comes in My Guide?

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How do I sell it out?

​Then let’s get to it..
I am going to send you "Create Your Fist Sold Out Retreat" to get you started! This journey is going to transform you, your community, and your business!​

My secret sauce of creating and selling 90% of my retreats and getting 4-5 figures profits per retreat!​​

I am doing a little happy dance for you. ;)​
​✅ Get clear on how to make your retreat stand out from the crowd and attract the right retreat clients.
​✅ Have a step-by-step plan to sell 90% of your Retreats.
​✅ Confidently promote and fill your retreat months in advance.
​✅ Reach and exceed your revenue goals with my proven budgeting and pricing strategy.
​✅ Grow a retreat community full of raving fans!

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Who is this Program for?

❖ If you are a coach or service provider who has been in practice, teaching, or seeing clients for at least 1 year.​

❖ Need guidance on the step-by-step process to plan and promote a retreat, and you don’t want the cookie-cutter program but a strategy that can be adapted to your unique business.​

❖ Are excited about leading retreats to help your clients and students dive deeper into your topic or teaching niche.​

❖ Want to grow your business and build a strong and loyal community.​

❖ Want to add more revenue to your business with retreats.​

❖ Love travel and leading group events.

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Why is it Important?

Here's the thing!

One of the things that often worries people about planning a retreat is that they don’t know how they are going to find people to attend.

Especially if you don’t have a huge following (yet). What if you put in the time and energy to create something beautiful and don’t sell any tickets?

It is enough to make you want to give up before you really even start!

The beautiful thing about a retreat is that you are not looking for hundreds or thousands of attendees, especially not at the beginning.

To kick off, you are likely looking to fill a roster of between 5 to 10 people (depending on your topic, location, space constraints, etc.)

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But Don't Just Believe Us, here's their testimonies...

Meet The Guide Guru

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Mia Bolden

I’m Mia Bolden and I've helped dozens of women plan, promote, and lead their dream retreats.

Over the years of planning retreats, I have developed a framework for designing successful sold-out retreats.

I love retreats because they can help you create more impact, grow your revenue, and build a loyal community!

So if you want to sell your retreats like pro with my proven ways, this free program is for you!

I will personally guide you through my proven framework and teach you how to plan transformational and profitable retreats that truly make an impact on your students’ lives.




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